Next week the full Senate will vote on the latest misguided and politically-motivated iteration of school vouchers (a.k.a., education savings accounts). I will be voting “No.” It will pass anyway.
There will be a floor show, generally along party lines, where voucher pushers talk about saving kids from failing schools (schools that the voucher pushers themselves have long starved of support) and offering equality of opportunity and choice (of all things!) for parents. They will not acknowledge that, in the broad experience of the nation, voucher programs do far more damage than good for students, parents, and education.
I’ve been talking about this for a while now. For example, please see my response to a question about vouchers in a recent forum:
Not on social media? Click here to watch Nathan’s response online.
In this recent CBS News Texas interview, this 2023 Texas Senate press briefing, and this podcast about Texas politics in general, I take the voucher issue apart a little more thoroughly.
I’ve been wrong about things before (who hasn’t?). Because I expect the voucher bill to pass the Legislature in some form, I’d like to be wrong about this. But I fear that I’m not wrong, that vouchers will further damage education in Texas.
I will continue my efforts to lift public education up, not tear it down. It would be easier to do nothing and to pretend that sending public tax dollars to private schools will serve the greater good. But I didn’t get elected to do what’s easy. I got elected to do what serves the interests of the people, and that’s what I will do.