We're now 50 days from Election Day. And we know what the rest of the campaign will bring because we've already seen it: more lies and conspiracies tossed about recklessly by the far right. We have to respond as we always have — with the truth.
This is a critical moment in American history, and we must rise to meet it.
Senator Johnson has always done that — even when demanding the truth has made others in the Texas Lege uncomfortable. In honor of that spirit, we wanted to highlight our top five favorite articles written by, with, or about Nathan Johnson this month.
Let's look back and see just how much buzz 🐝 we've generated since Nathan set out on the road last month to talk about the things that matter…
With just 50 days to go, here are our TOP 5 MUST READS:
#1. Senator Johnson Talks Election Integrity and Water Infrastructure
» Full Interview on Inside Texas Politics
Interview with Jason Whitely, WFAA-T Inside Texas Politics, Sept. 5, 2024
#2. Johnson champions statewide response to Opioid, Fentanyl Crisis
#3. Texas looks to protect artists from artificial intelligence fakes
#4. Texans Face Higher Electric Bills, More Utility Debt
#5. Texas lawmakers look ahead to 2025 legislative session: the good, the bad and the discouraged
Happy Reading! And thanks for walking down memory lane with us.
Brenda, it's not much of an exaggeration that nothing could be more serious, more important, or more critical for our future than this upcoming election.
Will we turn the page forward, or be forced back in time? Will we be guided by the better angels of our nature, as Abraham Lincoln once urged? Or will we fracture even further, pitting ourselves against our fellow Americans?
It’s that simple Brenda, and the choice is ours.
Our campaign needs your support, now more than ever. For the next 50 days, we’re turning out as many Texas voters who believe that our forward-looking Democratic agenda matters as we can.
Grateful for all the things you do — for our democracy and for your fellow Texans.
— Team Johnson